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Watercolor: Let's Get Us Some Redcoats - 14.5" x 10.5"


I painted this on 4th of July, one of a series of 31 paintings in July 2017. My direct ancestor, Deliverance Parmenter (1744-1780) was a farmer in Sudbury, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts (about 8 miles southwest of Concord). According to the History of Marlborough (1881), "He was ploughing in the field near his house when the news reached him of the battle of Lexington and Concord [April 19, 1775]. He immediately unyoked his oxen, drove them into the yard, and with gun in hand started on the run to meet the British. He was at the battle of Bunker Hill, and remained in the service till October, when he returned home. The following spring, he again enlisted, and remained in the army three years." He took with him his teenage son Oliver (1762-1841), who didn't fight but guarded the wagons, so the story goes. This painting memorializes Deliverance and Oliver Parmenter, revolutionary war patriots. Watercolor, 14.5" x 10.5".

Ralph F. Wilson Watercolors
P.O. Box 565, Loomis, California 95650
phone (916) 652-4659
All art works are copyright by Ralph F. Wilson. All rights reserved.